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The full truth about BB Glow: foundation for a year
South Korean cosmetologists’ work on treating skin and perfecting the tone of the face has already blown up the beauty industry in Asia and is moving forward here, too. Does one procedure eliminate the need to use foundation for a year and rejuvenate the skin simultaneously?
What is BB Glow? A minimally invasive treatment that aims to whiten the skin and provide intensive treatment. Acne marks, age spots, freckles, and uneven skin tone are all treated with this product. The procedure gives the face an even, radiant color, tightens pores, smooths fine wrinkles, and moisturizes the skin in addition to masking imperfections. A cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and a coloring matter with brightening and toning properties is injected into the epidermis’ upper layers. Depending on the procedure, the cost can range from 1000 AED to 2000 AED in Dubai.
BB Glow Treatment: How does it work?
Because BB Glow is minimally invasive, it only works at the epidermal level, in the uppermost layers of the skin. The cosmetologist uses a special device – a derma pen – on which several cartridges are inserted for serum introduction. A simple needle-shaped needle (more traumatic, for more complex procedures like BB+anti-ageing) uses the finest nanoneedles without damaging the skin. In other words, they rub the drug into the epidermis’ upper layers.
Does BB glow hurt?
There is no pain involved in the procedure. The face only feels like it is being massaged by vibrations.

Do the results of BB Glow treatments last throughout the year?
Yes, that’s the timeline. But don’t expect to be beautiful for a year with just one BB Glow treatment. Once the cumulative effect begins to take effect, the second procedure shows visible results. In order to achieve a sustainable result, you will need to spend 3-4 sessions at a certain interval. You will need maintenance therapy every three months after that. Once the effect has been achieved, it will last for a year.
What happens next? Do I need to worry that the coloring will dissolve unevenly and I will end up with speckles on my face?
This will not happen. The ampoule contains titanium dioxide, which provides the tonal effect after the procedure. Titanium dioxide molecules are quite large but very light. Under the basement membrane, in the upper layer of the dermis, it will get stuck and never leave. Physically, she cannot pass through the membrane. If the molecule is introduced to the basement membrane, which is at the level of the epidermis, it will freely leave the skin. We are working at the epidermal level. There is no permanence to the pigment. The serum with titanium dioxide does not cause spots on the face – it has been tested on itself!
Is there really no restriction?
During the first two days following the procedure. Sunbathing with SPF 30 or higher will be recommended in the future. What is the purpose of it? Sunscreens contain titanium dioxide to shield against harmful radiation. In the first two days after the introduction of the serum, a trip to the beach will not result in a tan. However, if the pigment is applied unevenly, the tan may fall in some places more than in others. A preparation based on low-quality raw materials is not exempt from this. These are usually cheap Chinese serums used at home by masters.
The procedure is from South Korea, so the highest quality serum may be produced there.
There is no doubt that Korean serums are the finest. In the production process, high-quality emulsion raw materials are used, which results in an even tone and no side effects. However, Chinese fakes, which are now very common, come from a different raw material source. A fine powder of titanium dioxide is used in the food industry; it is not an emulsion. It falls unevenly on the face. Additionally, iron oxide red and iron oxide yellow are added to the serum for the effect of foundation. Korean and Chinese manufacturers also produce raw materials of very different quality.
How is BB Glow done in Korea compared to here?
Due to Asian skin’s density, they undergo this procedure more painfully than we do. Using the Korean protocol, our clients would be red for a couple of days if we used the same application technique. In this way, they are able to attend the event on the same day and look their finest. One day of rehabilitation is only possible for severe skin sensitivity. The area may also be red for a few days after a mesotherapy treatment, which is injected with a needle cartridge and a bit deeper than BB Glow.
In our minds, one ampoule was responsible for both caring and BB effects…
In the serum, there are therapeutic extracts that moisturize and improve the complexion, but they don’t do much for global problems. Fine wrinkles will be smoothed, but the oval of the face will not be tightened. There will only be a slight anti-aging effect.
You can’t do without an additional meso for the WOW effect, right?
Depending on the client’s request. As long as it is enough for him to get an even complexion, we will do it. In this case, we combine BB Glow with fractional mesotherapy, which is also carried out with Dermopen. When combined with hyaluronic acid preparations, this serum stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, smoothes fine wrinkles, and polishes enlarged pores. As a result, it creates a double effect, which is very aesthetically pleasing.

How effective is the BB Glow treatment for Vitiligo?
Only slightly. Vitiligo is a serious pathology, not of the epidermis, but much deeper. If there are small areas with altered pigmentation, BB Glow may help. A serum can only slightly improve the appearance of skin with clear white or dark spots. Unfortunately, it won’t completely cover the stain. For vitiligo, a semi-permanent makeup procedure that camouflages skin with micropigmentation is recommended.
Does BB Glow have any contraindications?
Any disease of the skin. The procedure can, however, be performed even during pregnancy and lactation, since the serum does not enter the bloodstream itself. During our work, we work with exfoliated dead tissue, and the vessels exist in the dermis. According to protocol, we always ask the client if the serum composition causes an allergic reaction. It is recommended to do an allergy test 24 hours before the procedure if the client is hypersensitive. However, the procedure can be performed without a sample. A document is signed by the client confirming that he has no allergic reactions to the ampul composition.
When it comes to skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis, everything is clear. What about acne?
Using this procedure, you can remove acne scars if there are no inflammatory elements. The beautician bypasses single rashes, about half a centimeter from this zone. To get the most effective results, we recommend that you first remove the inflammation and then perform BB Glow after a week or two. The procedure is not recommended for more severe cases of acne.
Could BB Glow be used to conceal dark circles under the eyes?
There is a huge difference between these two things. For a permanent tattoo, pigments are applied under the basement membrane. As titanium dioxide ages, its color changes to green or brown. As a result, it is not known how the pigment will behave in a year, but it is likely to be visible on the skin. The procedure is now widely used, although it is not very aesthetically pleasing. Small scars can be camouflaged, but not circles under the eyes!
The BB Glow service is rarely offered in salons in Dubai, but there are many ads from private masters who perform it at home. What is the reason for this?
A clear trend now exists – masters work from home in order to reduce their costs without paying interest to salons. However, we don’t recommend doing BB Glow at home, since it’s risky. In the event that something goes wrong, the masters will not be responsible. The quality of the serum and the correct protocol for the procedure cannot be guaranteed.

Are Dubai clients interested in the BB glow procedure after all this?
Definitely! Girls dream of flawless skin. They want to wake up looking just as if they were wearing makeup. We often have clients who come to us for permanent makeup, but after learning about the BB Glow procedure, they immediately agree to it. Although the foundation has a light effect on the face, many of our girls are willing to give it a try.
Frequently Asked Questions
BB Glow is a minimally invasive treatment aimed at whitening the skin and providing intensive treatment for acne marks, age spots, freckles, and uneven skin tone. It also moisturizes the skin, tightens pores, and smooths fine wrinkles.
The cost for BB Glow treatment can range between 1000 AED to 2000 AED depending on the procedure.
The treatment involves injecting a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and coloring matter into the upper layers of the epidermis using a special device called a derma pen.
No, the treatment is painless. You will only feel like your face is being massaged by vibrations.
The results of the BB Glow treatment are designed to last for a year, but this requires maintenance therapy every three months after the initial 3-4 sessions.
No, the treatment uses titanium dioxide, which does not create uneven tones or speckles on the face.
BB Glow can slightly improve the appearance of skin with altered pigmentation but is not a complete solution for vitiligo.
Sunbathing with SPF 30 or higher is recommended after the procedure. Also, an allergy test 24 hours before the treatment is advised for hypersensitive clients.
The treatment is not recommended for severe cases of acne but can be performed to remove acne scars if there are no inflammatory elements present.
It’s risky to have the treatment done at home. We recommend going to a certified salon to ensure the quality of the serum and the correct protocol for the procedure.
BB Glow is not recommended for concealing dark circles under the eyes.